Georgia Continuing Education

Georgia Continuing Education

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QUESTIONS? Call ACICP at 727-378-0025

Why Do I Need Continuing Education?

The Georgia State Licensing Board requires all RESIDENTIAL BASIC AND LIGHT COMMERCIAL contractors to obtain Continuing Education hours to maintain their licenses on a biennial basis. (GENERAL contractors do not need any.) CE hours may be completed online or via live class/webinar, but ONLY 50% can be done online.  The Georgia State Licensing Board has deemed our Association of Construction Industry Certified Professionals' live webinar as "live classroom" for purposes of continuing education.

Did you know Georgia requires Contractors to have Continuing Education on a yearly basis?

The State of Georgia requires 3 hours of Continuing Education for Georgia-Licensed Residential Basic Contractors for EACH YEAR (total of 6 when you renew - 3 hours for each year in the renewal cycle), with the annual deadline  of June 30th.

The State of Georgia requires 6 hours of Continuing Education for Georgia-Licensed Residential Light Commercial Contractors EACH YEAR (12 hours when you renew - 6 hours for each year in the renewal cycle), with a June 30th deadline.

The state of Georgia does not require Continuing Education for Georgia-Licensed General Contractors at this time.

Questions? Call 727-378-0025!

Association of Construction Industry Certified Professionals

CI-Certified Training Programs

Take your CE courses and get certified at the same time! Our CI-Certified training programs offer advanced certificates of competency to qualified construction industry professionals.

Contractors Institute is the official training provider of the Association of Construction Industry Certified Professionals (ACICP). Upon course completion CI-Certified professionals receive an automatic membership into ACICP and authorization to display the ACICP badge as a mark of professional excellency. 


Contractors Institute